Tecnove Fiberglass within the framework of the Export Initiation Program of ICEX, has had the support of ICEX and with the co-financing of the European FEDER fund. The purpose of this support is to contribute to the international development of the company and its environment.
Why choose Tecnove Fiberglass?

We strive to implement the latest technological solutions in all aspects of our product.

We have a flexible production and we are always available to design and build the body according to the needs of each client.

Sole interlocutor always with the client. Excellent quality in our treatment, product and service.

We produce one of the lightest bodies on the market that allows our customers to achieve the highest possible payload without sacrificing the best finishes, most resistant.

We guarantee that our products and customer service are trusted by leaders in the transportation and distribution market, industrial vehicle manufacturers and the main leasing companies in the sector.
Quality certificates.
UCA certificate
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Unit of certification of the automobile
Which certifies that we have valid regulations and approvals, proof that the company has a methodology that ensures that all the units of manufactured vehicles accomplished all the requirements of the approvals conferred by the Ministry of Industry.
ISO 9001 certificate
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Es una norma de sistemas de gestión de la calidad (SGC) que se centra en todos los elementos de administración de calidad con los que nuestra organización debe contar para tener un sistema efectivo que le permita administrar y mejorar sus productos y servicios.

Our product ranges
TECNOVE FIBERGLASS manufactures high quality products through automatic control processes and optimized procedures.
These are our range of products of temperature-controlled freight transport products.
What do our customers say?
“We have been working with Tecnove Fiberglass for more than 20 years in Spain and our relationship goes beyond being business operations. We work together by projects, being part of our value chain from the conception of the business to a joint effort of after-sales, closing the entire life cycle of our offer in specialized bodies for the transport of goods with controlled temperature. Right from the start, just like all the others sectors in which we offer our products, we are motivated to work with the leaders in their sector, and we would like to highlight about Tecnove Fiberglass their commitment to each project that we address together, their predisposition to the resolution of the challenges that our clients proposes and the production capacity, quality and adaptability to each requested requirement. Adaptability, quality and commitment are values that can perfectly define Tecnove Fiberglass “
“For Conway, to be lucky enough to get a body supplier that really listens to us, and attends to our requests, both when we have to change our fleet as when we need small renovations, it is a real luxury.
Great company, with close treatment, and is very willing to develop improvements as long as our staff of logistics and maintenance need it, getting involved even in the small details.
To sum up, a perfect partner that responds to the changing needs of our sector, developing tailor-made products that adapt to our supply chain. Delighted with the collaborative relationship and work dynamics, as well as grateful for being part of their clients or, why not say it, being one of their main commercial partners”.
Tecnove Fiberglass presents its Dry kit business line
Tecnove Fiberglass lands in the portuguese market thanks to ZFROST
Tecnove Fiberglass is pleased to announce a new marketing agreement for the Portugal area.
Tecnove Fiberglass reinforces its commitment to sustainability with a new disruptive product that neutralizes pollution in cities
Tecnove Fiberglass is pleased to announce a new agreement as distributor and applicator approved exclusively in Spain and Portugal for the range of solutions PURETI for the purification of the environment.
Contact us
Polígono Industrial de Herencia
Calle de los Caleros, 3
13640 Herencia (Ciudad Real)
926 57 47 10